Employing staff adds another dimension to your bookkeeping. And it can be quite confusing. So we have created a package for you that takes the stress out of Payroll and everything involved.
- Set up of payroll in an accounting program
- Set up of WorkCover
- Set up of Superannuation
- Processing payroll on a weekly or fortnightly basis
- Issuing of Payslips to staff
- Lodging Superannuation on a monthly or quarterly basis
- Lodging WorkCover remuneration at the end of financial year
- Lodging and issuing Payment Summaries at the end of the financial year
- All work is to be done either remotely to your computer or at our office.
For up to 3 staff members this all this only costs $66.00 per month.
If you are interested in this package or you want a quote because you have more staff then, contact us, we look forward to hearing from you 🙂
Dynamic Bookkeeping Giving You . . .
the Gift of More Time