Sonya Noonan was set up so that Sonya could share her journey with you.

Her journey is about Mindfulness Spirituality, Happiness, Health, Fitness and Clean Living.  She believes totally in the Law of Attraction, Tapping, Positive Affirmations, and connecting with your heart.  She uses many Holistic Health techniques to improve herself, these include Kinesiology, Theta Healing, Tapping, Meditation, Hypnosis and working with a Life Coach.

Her belief around Health and Fitness is that you don’t want to get to a certain age and regret not doing all you can to be fit an healthy… What if you got to told that if you had only eaten a certain way or did a certain exercise you could have added 20 years to your life… Sonya is on a journey to make sure that never happens to her…

Please take the time to go and look at